Recipe Index


[recipe-grid cat="recipe" posts="4" grid="fourth" excerpt="no"]Recipe Grid[/recipe-grid]

You can add a new page with your posts list. Just copy and past the shortcode above.

cat –> copy and paste the slug of your category

tag –> copy and paste the slug of your tag

posts –> the number of posts that you want to show

excerpt –> « yes » if you want to show it, « no » if you want to hide it

grid –> you can put « half », « third » and « fourth »

orderby –> author, title (post title), name (post slug), date, rand (random)

order –> ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending)


[recipe-index cat="recipe" posts="4"]Recipe Index[/recipe-index]

You can add a new page with your posts list. Just copy and past the shortcode above.

cat –> copy and paste the slug of your category

tag –> copy and paste the slug of your tag

posts –> the number of posts that you want to show

excerpt –> « yes » if you want to show it, « no » if you want to hide it

orderby –> author, title (post title), name (post slug), date, rand (random)

order –> ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending)


[archive cat="journal" posts="4" orderby="name" order="ASC"]Archive[/archive]

You can add a new page with your posts list. Just copy and past the shortcode above.

cat –> copy and paste the slug of your category

tag –> copy and paste the slug of your tag

posts –> the number of posts that you want to show

orderby –> author, title (post title), name (post slug), date, rand (random)

order –> ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending)